Man of the Year: The Future – Ronnie Crimes

Shakim Muhafiz, Staff Writer
Having big aspirations is nothing new at Morehouse for a future leader in society who, right now, is a freshman. But for freshman Ronnie Crimes Jr., he has plans to do much more.
The SGA Treasurer-elect is a part of many organizations at Morehouse, and he intends to keep it that way.
“I’m a part of the Morehouse Business Association,” Crimes said. “Prodigy program, Pre-Alumni, NABA (National Association of Black Accountants) and more.”
Morehouse was Crimes first choice. Crimes believes that going to Morehouse will make him better a person and provide him with different opportunities.
“I wanted to come to Morehouse because I knew it would develop me to the man I want to be,” Crimes said. “This was the only school that I could say it say is going to make me a better leader.”
A leader indeed is what Crimes is looking to be. He sits in his seat knowing he has two more meetings to go to right after this. He puts himself in a position to make his voice heard by joining organizations.
The 4.0 student describes himself as a social, outgoing, and intelligent person. He’s looked at as leader to his peers and didn’t realize it.
“It’s inspirational to me because for people to see the stuff I’m doing outside and inside the classroom makes me thankful,” Crimes said. “It’s indescribable.”
Crimes time is just getting started at Morehouse. With three more years left, he hopes to continue helping the college in every way he can.