Following Morgan State Tragedy, Morehouse and Spelman Bolster Homecoming Safety Plans

Image via Colin Royal
By Ryann Phillips, Staff Writer
With recent violence erupting at Morgan State University’s homecoming, safety is a top concern for the Spelman and Morehouse community during this homecoming season.
Ryan Bates, the director of compliance and safety for Spelman College’s Student Government Association (SGA), had two close friends who attended Morgan State’s homecoming during their recent shooting. Bates experienced tremendous fear for her friends; not knowing their whereabouts during that terrifying time has made her take Spelman and Morehouse safety precautions very seriously for their homecoming.
She worked with Spelman College’s Police Chief, Moses Perdue, to develop an Atlanta University Center campus map with a safety route highlighted for students to take if they are in danger. Bates tells us that this map will be available on Spelman College’s public safety website.
Both Morehouse and Spelman’s public safety departments are also working together to ensure a safe and fun homecoming experience.
“[We’re] trying to make it a smarter game day experience,” said Chief Charles Prescott, Morehouse College’s chief of police.
For tickets this year, everything will be virtual. Chief Prescott told the Maroon Tiger that they will be using the same security system that is at the Mercedes Benz Stadium. On top of these security measures, more officers will be patrolling campus and the surrounding areas.
“Homecoming tailgate day we are going to have over a hundred officers. Not to harass and arrest people, but they are here for safety,” Chief Prescott said.
Campus safety will be working in twelve-hour shifts, and the extra officers are being brought in to make sure that campus police are able to get enough rest during their time off.
Morehouse and Spelman student government associations are helping students to prepare for the coming festivities by partnering with campus safety to host active shooter information sessions and community town halls. The next community meeting is happening October 16 at 7:00 p.m. in Sale Hall.
Copy Edited by: Colin Royal, Managing Editor of Print