What Students Want From the SGA Election Cycle

Image via Morehouse College
By: Colin Royal, Managing Editor of Print
As Student Government Association election campaigning began Monday, only one word aptly describes the atmosphere and feeling towards the season: excitement. The student body’s attitude is both animated and anxious. Many students seem invested in the elections; however, they also are wary about the direction this new administration might take.
“I feel like the SGA election season is like– really fun. Because I think that part of being at an all men’s school, I feel like we’re very competitive, but now, we really get to see the game unfold,” sophomore Linden Young said. “I am expecting everybody to bring their ‘A-game’ .”
Students spoke on the commitment of each candidate and how they have all provided interesting platforms. The student body seems more engaged with this election season in particular. Everyone is focused on how the new candidates will shake up the current status quo on campus.
“Historically, I have been a student that hasn’t really cared about the outcome of the elections. Being a junior though, I really want to see change and see what the next class has to do,” junior Kenaji Blevins said.
Young added his own perspective on the student body’s expectation for change.
“From the new administration, I am looking for something new, something bold, something against the grain,” Young said.
Students have become very invested in the various candidates and differing ideas that they seek to bring to Morehouse. While many students had praise to give to the candidates, they also raised a lot of concerns and expectations that they wish to see from the future SGA administration.
“I would love to see how they tackle the problems of RSOs. You know– RSOs getting funding,” Blevins said.
Blevins also mentioned the importance of maintaining strong communication between students and SGA. He, along with other students, expressed a strong desire to see more town halls as well as a greater level of transparency between the leaders of SGA and students.
“I think that one common one [issue] and I think that’s the biggest one is communication,” sophomore Aiden Patterson said.
Patterson also explained his concern regarding people in SGA “putting the title before themselves.” His statement is indicative of a wider student perspective that does not want to see candidates lose sight of who they are once they are appointed to a particular office.
With midterms and SGA debates crammed into the same week, many students have been overwhelmed by the packed schedule. Despite the inconvenient timing, enthusiasm for the election season has not dwindled.
“The timing is very interesting to say the least; however, it’s also exciting to see the debates and elections and things of that nature because it shows off the intellect of our students and how they see Morehouse changing” Blevins said.
The SGA debates are scheduled for Thursday, Mar. 7 at 6:0 p.m. in Sale Hall.
Copy Edited by: Auzzy Byrdsell, Editor in Chief