Morehouse Volleyball: A Sign of More to Come

Cai Johnson, Staff Writer
On Thursday, September 5, Morehouse College President, David A. Thomas, and Interim Director of Athletics, Javarro Edwards, introduced Morehouse’s newest athletic program: Volleyball. Looking to launch in the 2020-2021 school year, Morehouse College Men’s Volleyball team will be competing in the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SIAC).
The volleyball program will receive $150,000 grants from USA Volleyball (USAV) and First Point Volleyball Foundation as it looks to gain traction in the inaugural season. Paine College, Benedict College, Fort Valley State, Central State University, and Kentucky State round out the full list of newly-funded HBCU volleyball programs premiering in the 2020-2021 calendar year.
“This is a very exciting time for the college in many, many aspects,” Edwards said in an interview with The Undefeated. “For athletics, by us being an academically driven institution for many years, athletics has always sat in the backdrop, but now we have a seat at the table.”
Thanks to the charitable donations from USAV and First Point Volleyball Foundation, The SIAC becomes the first predominantly HBCU conference to announce men’s volleyball as a varsity sport. Morehouse will start the recruiting process of adding 18 student-athletes and will offer three full-ride scholarships to prospective volleyball stars.
“Edwin Moses, one of our most esteemed alum, could not get his son to attend Morehouse because we did not have a volleyball team.” Edwards explained, “that’s a missed opportunity for Morehouse of continuing the legacy by education young black men.”
Edwin Moses’s son, Julian Moses went on to have a successful college career at Lewis University and is now pursuing professional volleyball overseas. In the future, the goal is for prospective star players from all over the world to be able to have their successful college sports careers while attending Morehouse.
While the new volleyball program is still a year away from its opening, Edwards has not been shy about bringing forth more initiatives within Morehouse athletics.
“As long as I am here and apart of the Athletic conversations at Morehouse College, we will aim to expand our reach. Our next aims are Lacrosse and bringing the Soccer team back to Morehouse.” Edwards said.
Morehouse College Lacrosse Club Team was founded in 2009 and has been a Registered Student Organization (RSO) for the past 10 years. Morehouse College Soccer was a Division II soccer program before being disbanded in 2006. When you add in Morehouse Wrestling and Morehouse Rugby, there are several different athletic programs that are due for an upgrade.