Morehouse Students Suffer at the Hands of Negligent Security Following Break-Ins During Winter Break

Photo by Justin Darden
By Kennedy Edgerton, Opinions Editor
In my experience as a student, arriving at Morehouse College for the first time is undoubtedly emotional for first-year students and their parents. For students, New Student Orientation represents a transition from the carefree reality of adolescence to the daunting reality of adulthood. For parents, the experience forces them to “release” their sons into the world under the watchful eye of Morehouse College.
However, in recent months, that watchful eye appears to have a blind spot as the safety of Morehouse students remains in jeopardy. Following the winter break, a series of dorm burglaries has the Morehouse student body, myself included, worried for our collective safety and well-being. As a senior and previous campus resident, I can tell you firsthand that such incidents are not uncommon. In fact, one may say they’re a part of the Morehouse experience.
Perdue Hall, located just outside the campus gates, has seen the most criminal activity since over break. In Room No. 316, students Aiden Pullian and Marchellos A Scott II were met with a disgusting surprise, literally and figuratively, after returning from winter break. On Jan. 9, Pullian returned to campus early for athletic obligations.
When he entered his room, he found ashes, plates, trash, prophylactics, and certain bodily fluids littering the room. Stolen items included shower shoes, a towel, and a $700 iPad. As you can imagine, the students were less than enthusiastic about this development.
Ideally, Morehouse authorities would immediately spring into action to investigate, right? Wrong. The Morehouse Police Department apparently couldn’t investigate until Marchellos returned early to complete a report alongside his roommate.
Furthermore, the police seemed more concerned with Aiden returning to campus early instead of focusing on more pressing matters. To add insult to injury, the Department of Housing and Residential Education has yet to compensate the two students for their stolen property.
Understandably, Pullian and Scott II were disappointed but not surprised by their experience. Such occurrences are common for Morehouse College this academic year. As someone who pays almost $50k a year to attend this illustrious institution, I expect and demand more in terms of security. Swiftness of action is paramount in situations like this.
I should not have to feel unsafe walking around the campus of a private institution at night. Moreover, students should be able to leave their property in their rooms, which they pay for, without worry. In the past, Morehouse has demonstrated that they have no problem spending money on innovative technological advancements and facility renovations.
Perhaps, instead of investing in the metaverse and other unavailing endeavors, Morehouse College’s administration should consider investing more in the safety of the students who pay their salaries.
This increase in criminal activity is not exclusive to Morehouse College. Most recently, Spelman College suffered two intruder incidents in its Morehouse-James dormitory. Fortunately, no one was harmed. These events present an important question for students and faculty members to consider.
What will it take for effective action to be taken? Or rather, how much can the student body take before such action prompts other forms of correspondence?
Only time will tell. Though I don’t think our community can tolerate much more.
Copy Edited by Andy Harris