William Murphy Pays it Forward

By: Hunter Bonaparte, Staff Writer
Over the course of his Morehouse journey, William Murphy, a junior economics and philosophy double major from Nashville, Tennessee, has dedicated himself to the service of his fellow students in the AUC, a place where he feels “at home”.
Murphy first found Morehouse while on a college tour. After meeting alumni and engaging himself with the campus, he felt enchanted by the experience. Since Will arrived as a student, he’s done his part in perpetuating that familial bond, a point corroborated by one of his freshman mentees.
“Will is a hands-on leader and an inviting resource,” Jalen Williams, a freshman business administration major said. “All he wants to see from you is initiative and he will be ready to help you without hesitation. I aspire to be the same way with my peers and mentees of my own.”
Jalen is one of many freshmen that have benefitted from Will Murphy’s service. Will’s long rap sheet of service activities includes being Morehouse Business Association vice president, Morehouse/Spelman Democrats, a new venture between JP Morgan, Slim + Huskies, and UNCF entitled “Get the Bag, Keep the Bag,” among many other projects.
Despite his success, Murphy said that he steadily prioritizes “humility” and “understanding students.” When talking to him, it became clear that he’s built this perspective through struggle. Coming to Morehouse campus after the gap of COVID 19, and admittedly feeling unsure about his place at the school caused him to work even harder towards his goals.
Murphy is laser-focused on making sure freshman today didn’t miss out on the help that he oftentimes missed. This has manifested in the establishment of resume workshops and the coordination of meetings for students to apply and get into internship positions. He is the happiest when a freshman sends an email with an acceptance from a company that they never thought they’d be able to get into.
Isaiah Johnson, a freshman finance major spoke about the workshops Murphy organizes for underclassmen.
“Murphy is a great person shaping the future of many young students at Morehouse and Spelman alike,” Johnson said. “He hosts workshops for students, helps them with their resumes, and is an inspiration. His hard work rubs off on his mentees, including me, and he has a phenomenal future ahead of him. So far, he’s helped guide me through Morehouse and helped me understand how to be a better Man of Morehouse.”
Will looks out for students of the entire AUC. A Spelmanite, Breana Fowler spoke about the role Murphy has played to help her advance professionally.
“William Murphy has played a vital role since my enrollment at the AUC,” Breana Fowler freshman at Spelman College majoring in Education Studies said. “I have been allowed to speak with Fortune 500 companies and network with c suite executives and leaders from top consulting firms. With the skills I gained, I am now working for the APS board of education and was afforded an investment banking internship as a first year.”
A common theme amongst Will’s pursuits is a desire he calls “making it real.” Students seeing him help others matter, but at the end of the day Will Murphy wants to actually see tangible results in what he does.
“Trying not to be cliché”, Murphy said. “The brotherhood is my favorite part of Morehouse.”
The way his big brothers here poured into him, Murphy wants to pour into those coming up who need that assistance and support. One of the key aspects of his approach is “empathy” and “putting yourself in their shoes.”
Like every new college student, William Murphy came to Morehouse with a lot of concerns and uncertainty. However, his drive and generosity has turned him into someone appreciated across all four classes and around the AUC. To the rest of the student body, he says that there “should never be a time when you’re not involved at all.” He’s certainly leading by example and paying it forward for the underclassmen in the AUC.
Copy Edited by Miles Johnson