Morehouse Colleges 2021 Commencement Photo Gallery

By Corey Guy, Associate Photography & Sports Editor
The Morehouse College graduation is one of Atlanta’s greatest traditions. The collection of intelligent, motivated, and talented young black men closing a chapter and enter a new phase of their lives is a sight to behold. This year’s commencement exercise recognized students from both the class of 2020 and 2021. Typical to most Morehouse graduations, emotions were high. Due in large part, to many friends, classmates, teammates, and brothers finally achieving that goal of graduating that they had in mind when they first walked through those hallowed gates. Capturing commencement was bittersweet. It’s sad to see brothers leave, but it’s impossible to not be excited for friends who accomplished such an incredible feat. Especially these classes who endured a global pandemic that brought their envisioned college experience to a halt. The in-person commencement was a needed breath of fresh air for everyone in attendance. The classes of 2020 and 2021 have left their mark on Morehouse and are prepared to enter the world. However, most importantly they’ve officially made the transition from Men of Morehouse to Morehouse Men! Congratulation to all the graduates.
View the full gallery of images here: