By: Elijah Megginson, Features Editor
The votes are in, the ballots have been cast, and the SGA race for Vice President will result in a runoff. This year the Vice President race is even more competitive than last year with two distinctively qualified candidates.
Although Morehouse College students respect the strong resumes of their candidates; students are more concerned with each of the candidate’s willingness to serve.
Thankfully, being a servant leader is not something new for Vice President candidate, Darion Johnson. Johnson has been a servant leader at Morehouse since his freshman year, serving as a Senator At Large. One of the most rewarding takeaways from his tenure was,
“Being able to write legislation on behalf of the freshman council and ensuring that students have some type of guidance and structure within SGA.”
Coming in as a freshman, Johnson remembered the difficulty of understanding Morehouse systems such as RSOs and the legislative initiatives of SGA. While serving as a student leader Johnson was able to educate and prevent students from making the same mistakes he made.
Outside of being a Senator At Large, Johnson has fulfilled several roles on campus: serving as a New Student Orientation Commander for the class of 2027, 2022 – 2023 Student Government Association Secretary of Campus Operations, 2022 – 2023 Residence Hall Association Council Director, Martin Luther King Jr International Chapel Assistant, and 2023 Harland Boys and Girls Club Youth Mentor. When asked about his willingness to serve, Johnson said it stemmed from his personal relationships.
“Having a biological father, and a stepfather gave me the right male role model I needed to receive guidance from but I also needed to find someone outside of my family.”
Johnson’s ability to have strong male figures in his life as well as his willingness to find an outside mentor has resulted in many blessings. The biggest blessing was being able to attend Morehouse.
“If it was not for a mentorship opportunity I would not be here at Morehouse College. A mentor saw something in me, he saw Morehouse College in me, and encouraged me.”
Johnson hopes to be a light for incoming freshmen. Even if Johnson does not win he will continue to serve the Morehouse Atlanta community in the many ways his mentors did for him.
Johnson’s mission is not just tied to his different communities but to his faith. Being from Belle Glade Florida, one of the most impoverished communities in the state of Florida, Johnson’s Christian faith has molded him into the man he is today. For those who don’t know Belle Glade is not just an impoverished city but,
“The city that births servitude which incubates an individual that’s willing to serve.”
Because of his strong foundation in Belle Glade Florida, and consistent mentorship, Johnson wants voters to know,
“Darion Johnson is a servant leader at heart, by mind, and through spirit.”
The SGA votes will be concluded on Wednesday. Go out and vote.